Everyone has strengths inside of them that help them to be resilient.
For me these strengths were
⇨ My spouse
⇨ My work
⇨ And my faith community
Once I knew how to use these strengths to help me navigate all the ugly and painful treatment,
I could stop trying so hard to prove to everyone that I was fine and OK.
Because even if I didn't feel OK, I knew I would be.
The answer to being resilient is not in another book
It's not in another free download, or podcast.
The only answer is to learn what strengths you already have inside of you, and how these strengths can be used to activate your own resilience.
You can come from a state of “I can’t”
You can take the natural next step in bringing about the types of change you want to have in your life.
Once you master how to activate your hidden strengths of resilience, you will firmly put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life again. You are no longer reactive and being run by everyone else’s demands. This enables you to do difficult things, be confident you know how to solve problems and will work them out.
This empowers you to take back control of your life, and not let an injury, illness or disability stop you from being the person you want to be.
What you are crying out for is a way to make changes that feels safe where you are supported and encouraged without the threat of things you need and want being taken away from you
The problem with most Rehabilitation Services for injured and ill people is that they are promising that when you fix one of the issues (like returning to work) then all your problems will be solved.
That’s because they are limited to only being able to address 1 of these issues.
They are secretly hoping that this 1 thing you can make enough change to motivate you to return to work, cease treatment and no longer need the support of an insurance company.
But it's not that simple.
It's no one’s fault.
Rehabilitation Consultants don't do this type of work to make you feel bad.
It's a combination of many factors and of multiple systems that all want one thing.
For you to be able to maximise your capacity through work because when we are at work, we are all healthier humans.